Using the Visualist browser extension


Last Update 2 năm trước

Visualist's Chrome extension

Think of our browser extension as your bridge between Visualist and everything else.

You can use our browser extension to collect things from all over the web and save them directly to Visualist.

Installing the extension

Download our browser extension from the Chrome Web Store.

A quick note: you'll need a Visualist account in order to use the extension. Don't have one yet? Sign up here!

The extension is currently supported in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Don't worry if you're on neither - we're working to bring it to other browsers. Want it quicker? Tell us which browser you use.

Start using the extension

The first time that you use the browser extension, you'll be asked to log in to your Visualist account. 


With our browser extension, you can collect as you go.

See something that you really love and want it in your Visualist library? Take your pick of these 2 methods:

1. Hover over the image, and click on the V tab that appears 

2. Right-click the image and select "Add to Visualist"

P.S. It even works on Instagram. It's just that easy!

Want to see an image you just saved? In the save pop-up, just click on the image thumbnail.

Adding tags

You can tag, delete or clip blocks to boards straight from the save pop-up.

When you add anything to Visualist, we automatically tag it. But you can also add your own tags when you're saving things on the go.

Click the tag button or use the keyboard shortcut shift + t.

Just remember that when using the V clipper, you can only add up to 10 tags per image.

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